Webinar: EGI Cloud for SMEs in CAE – OpenFOAM demo




"How SMEs Can Use EGI’s Cloud for CAE – Intro & Demo Using OpenFOAM"

We are inviting Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to join a one-hour webinar demonstrating computer-aided engineering (CAE) in the EGI Federated Cloud Infrastructure, with the example of OpenFOAM software containers taking place on 20 October between 16:00-17:00 CET.

During this webinar, participants will be introduced to the EGI Federated Cloud, the benefits and challenges of cloud in the sector and will attend a demo of the OpenFOAM software container prepared by CFD support, a Czech SME. The demo will showcase how OpenFOAM, the leading open source software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD), can be easily ported to and used on a public e-Infrastructure such as EGI.

This webinar is part of a joint partnership between EGI, the world’s largest publicly funded computing infrastructure for research and innovation, and UberCloud, the industry leader in development and support of novel cloud software application containers.

As a special offer, anyone participating in the webinar will be offered the possibility to schedule access and use OpenFOAM on the EGI testing infrastructure for up to 24 hours following the event to get hands-on experience. The necessary credentials can be obtained by sending a request to business@egi.eu.

Continued opportunities are available thanks to EGI’s commitment to sharing the benefits of e-Infrastructure technology and services with industry, especially SMEs. For more information about EGI’s business engagement programme visit our business pages or contact business@egi.eu

Access OpenFOAM container
EGI Business Interest Questionnaire