ELIXIR Competence Center meeting (teleconference)



ELIXIR CC monthly meeting. Connection information: Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone: https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/924280477 You can also dial in using your phone. Global access numbers: http://www.btconferencing.com/gotomeeting/itfn.asp Meeting Access Code: 924-280-477

ELIXIR - CC Monthly Meeting

25.11. 2016



Dario Vianello (EBI, 
Kostas Koumantaros (GRNET)
Kimmo Mattila (CSC)
Gergely Sipos (EGI)
Enol Fernandez (EGI)
Amelie Cornelis (EBI)
Mohamed Berdi (CNRS)



Minutes (unfinished)

1. Items from previous meeting

1.1. Extension of the Elixir-CC project

- The extension request  for ELIXIR CC project was approved.
- The duration of the project was exteded for 6 months (Until the end iof August 2016)

1.2 ELIXIR certification and ELIXIR VO

- Geregely and Enole gave a presentation about the current apporach how EGI VO:s could be mapped to the projects used in ELIXIR.

- SLA:s will be grated for e

2. Use case status reports


2.1  cBioPortal replication (Miroslav Ruda)
2.2  Marine metagenomics (Kimmo Mattila)

- Cluster set up script works in cPouta

2.3  Insyght Comparative Genomics (Cristophe Blancet)

- Insyght Image in AppDB has been tested in EGI federated cloud and in two French cloud sites

- tests will continue

2.4 PhenoMeNal project (Dario Vianello)

- Terraform and docker testing in local cloud platform (Embassy cloud)

- Terraform testing in EGI Federated Cloud will first me made without OCCI.

2.5  JetStream interoperability (Robert Quick)



3. Coming events

- EGI Federated Cloud f2f meeting will be held in Amsterdam on November 29th-30th (https://indico.egi.eu/indico/event/3126/)

- Elixir All hands: March 21.-23. 2017, Rome


4. Next meeting

- To be scheduled 13. - 20.12



- Question for ELIXIR: Is the SLA-based VO mapping workflow suitable for
ELIXIR? (see on Slide 3) --> Kimmo to discuss with Tommi
- Site integration
     * OpenStack: Enol is testing this with the OpenStack Dashboard and
is already in contact with EBI. (For the API it should work as well)
     * Which integration would CESNET (OpenNebula) would use? (Slide
4/5/6) --> CESNET will evaluate this in early 2017
     * Synnefo will evaluate options in early 2017
     * X509-based Access: Enol received a documentation from CESNET
today, relating to this. He will test this and get back to the list
later this week
- Use cases can move on to the FedCloud in stages:
     * Move to fedcloud.egi.eu VO --> This alread works, CRNS use case
already reached this stage
     * Use vo.elixir-europe.org VO
         ** with X509 personal certificates (not CILogon!) --> Enol to
test (See above)
         ** OpenStack sites --> Enol is testing this with EBI
         ** OpenNebula and Synnefo sites --> Depending on assessment of
integration by CESNET, GRNET



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