ELIXIR CC Monthly meeting

Gotomeeting virtual session

Gotomeeting virtual session


Connection information: - From web browser: https://www.gotomeeting.com/join/121987469 - Via phone: Global access numbers: http://www.btconferencing.com/gotomeeting/itfn.asp Meeting Access Code: 121-987-469



1. Items from the previous meeting

2. Use case status reports

3. Coming events

4. Other issues

ELIXIR - CC Monthly Meeting

Agenda / MInutes

22.2. 2017


Dario Vianello
Steven Newhouse
Kimmo Mattila
Mohammed Berdi
Gergely Sipos
Enol Fernandez



1. Minutes of the previous meeting

Elixir VO situation has not changed since the last meeting.

2. Use case status reports

2.1  cBioPortal replication

         Not present. We should check if this use case is still active.

2.2  Marine metagenomics

  • CESNET has a running execution engine for Marine MetaGenomics on CESNET site, Terraform+Ansible is used for provisioning. Better verification of functionality will be done in next months (when final code of application is provided), performance tuning can be topic even later. We will try to use this setup to verify portability of Terraform by implementing the same setup on other site - either some FedCloud site (OpenStack), or pure OpenStack or Amazon (we have OCCI server and amazon grant). First preliminary results could be reported internally on ELIXIR all-hands meeting in Rome
  • Meta-pipe development continues with Uversity of Tromsö and CSC.
  • Steven pointed out that Rob Finns group in EBI is developing their own marine  metagenomics  tools that will be integrated to the EBI cloud portal. The results of this work can be demonstrated in the ELIXIR all-hands in Rome. Launching these metagenomics tools in the EGI Federated Cloud could be tested (using Ansible and Terraform). Dario and Enol will discuss this further.

2.3  Insyght Comparative Genomics

  • MOhammed, CNRS: Adding more features to system (Firewall as a servce, VPN ). The application was separated into master and slave parts that will be upladed to appdb soon. Credential problems are being solved with the support of Enol.

2.4 PhenoMeNal project

The applications (both Phenomenal and Marine metagenomics  are being  deployed to the EMBASSY cloud and AWS.  FedCloud environment will be added next.

2.5  JetStream interoperability

-Enol reported that Image sharing between JetStream and EGI Federated Cloud is under testing. I,age sharing is partially working but KVM cloud specificity of JetSteram is causing some limitations.

3. Coming events

4. Othwer issues

  • Miroslav presented ELIXIR CC on EXCELEARATE Compute work package meeting. Response was good, we should (together with cloud task in WP4) describe what was done (our EGI wiki is probably OK) and what are future plans/roadmap (mainly in WP4 in EXCELERATE).


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