ELIXIR CC Monthly meeting


ELIXIR CC Monthly meeting




Summarizing of the Elixir CC activities for the EGI Confrenrence on May 9th-May 12th in Catania.


Meeting link:



ELIXIR - CC Monthly Meeting

Agenda / Minutes

24.4. 2017 10:00 CET


Kimmo Mattila
Dario Vianello
Steven Newhouse
Enol Fernandez
Gergely Sipos
MIroslv Ruda
Kostas Koumantaros
Fotis Psomopoulos



1. Minutes of the previous meeting

2.  Resource usage statistics of ELIXIR CC in person months (PM)

  Total Used Remaining
P06 - CESNET 9 3.34 5.66
P10 - CSC 9 6.94 2.06
P11 - CNRS 6 12.14 -6.14
P13 - GRNET 4 3.12 0.88
P21 - SURFsara BV 2 1.61 0.39
P30 - EMBL -EBI 5 0.97 4.03
P36 - IU (OSG) 1.5 0.5 1

- EMBL EBI will not need the 4 remaining PMs. CNRS will use 2 PMs from  these 4  to improve user interface of the Insyght application. Orchestration manager will be used to deploy the fontend and  VM:s needed. CNRS will also test using the AppDB Dashboard for Insyght.

Rest of the CC is on track with the resource usage.


2. Use case status reports

2.1 cBioPortal replication

   - Nothing to summarize

2.2 Marine metagenomics

   - MetaPipe pipeline was used on the Metagenomics course held at CSC on April 9-12.
   - Development work with CESNET and University of Tromsö continues.

2.3 Insyght Comparative Genomics

   - CNRS will continue the development as described above

2.4 PhenoMeNal project

  -  Dario had problems with using Elixir AAI in EGI Fed Cloud

2.5 JetStream interoperability

  - No News


3. Coming events


EGI Conference 2017: Catania, 9-12 May

  • Only four persons form Elixir CC ( MIroslav, Enol, Gegely and Kimmo ) have conformed their participation top the meeting. (Link to doodle)
  • Kimmo give the Elixir CC presentation in the meeting. Focus will be in summing up the project.

Workshop on Clusters, Clouds and Grids for Life Sciences, May 14–17, 2017, Madrid

4. Other issues

  • Gergely was contacted by researchers form Royal Holloway University of London who asked if they could use EGI resources.
  • Using ELIXIR VO was not supported as these researchers are not connected to ELIXIR.
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