ELIXIR CC Monthly meeting

Web meeting

Web meeting

ELIXIR CC Monthly meeting. JOIN WEBEX MEETING: https://egi.webex.com/egi/j.php?MTID=m1e7a851cf0029b000fe6521c2e2be207 Meeting number (access code): 957 041 516 Meeting password: WFBntsQp AGENDA: - Use case status reports - Preparations for Deliverable 6.15: "Demonstrator for ELIXIR workflows implemented in the EGI Federated cloud" Demonstrators in M6.3: - cBioPortal replication - Marine metagenomics - Insyght Comparative Genomics - PhenoMeNal - JetStream interoperability - OLA

ELIXIR - CC Monthly Meeting

Agenda / Minutes

16.6. 2017 14:00 CET


Kimmo Mattila
Enol Fernandez
Steven Newhouse
Kostas Koumantaros




1. Use case status reports

- METApipe, Marine Metagenomics pipeline (Kimmo):
METApipe test environment works in the CESNET cloud environment. Next development step is to generalize the server launch tool so that it can be used in other OCCI endpoints too.

- PhneoMeNal and Marine Metagenomics(Steven).
- Issues with authentication has been studied and resolved. Terranform can be used through EBI interface to launch VMs. This has not yet been implemented to the portal but can be demonstrated with the command line tools.

2. ELIXIR CC deliverable, D6.15

Deliverable D6.15 "Demonstrator for ELIXIR workflows implemented in the EGI Federated cloud" should be prepared for the reviewers by the end of July.

D6.15 is available in:



Template is available in:




The document contains three parts:

1. Introduction describing the background and goals of the demonstrator use cases.

2. Common features of the demonstrators.

- Elixir infrastructure (Elixir AAI, Elixir VO, AppDB, OLA)

- Here we can utilize material from D6.10 

3. Demonstrators

- Here we should discus all the five use cases what ever the results obtained were
- the three successful cases will  of course be described more in detail
- success criteria is important part of the description and should be discussed and defined in the document

- Reviewers could be get from e.g. the ELIXIR Compute Platform e-mail list

-first version of TOC could be prepared by the end of June and the first draft should be ready by the end of secondweek of July.


3. Operation Level Agreement(OLA)

Enol presented the new versions of OLAs: Resource center OLA and Research Infrastructure OLA. These are based on the latest versions of EGI OLA. The issues previously pointed out by Steven have been fixed. Steven will review the new documents.

4. Other issues


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