ELIXIR CC Monthly meeting

Agenda -Deliverable D6.15 "Demonstrator for ELIXIR workflows implemented in the EGI Federated cloud" -Use case demo videos/presentations -Preparations for final report Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/754364837 You can also dial in using your phone. Netherlands: +31 207 941 375 Access Code: 754-364-837

ELIXIR - CC Monthly Meeting

Agenda / Minutes

21.7. 2017 13:00 -13:15 CET


Kimmo Mattila
Enol Fernandez
Miroslav Ruda
Kostas Koumantaros




1. ELIXIR CC deliverable, D6.15

Deliverable D6.15 "Demonstrator for ELIXIR workflows implemented in the EGI Federated cloud" should be prepared for the reviewers by the end of July.

D6.15 is available in:



1.1 Background and motivations

- First version available

1.2 Infrastructure: EGI ( Gergely, Enol)

2. cBioPortal replication use case (cesnet)
- cBioPortal works but end users were not interested to test using EGI resources for this
- Miroslaw will add this information to the deliverable

3. Marine Metagenomics (CSC)
- First version available

4. Insyght Comparative Genomics (CRNS)
-Will be done next week

5. PhenoMeNal (EBI)
- EBI representatives were not present in the meeting

6. JetStream
- Enol will edit this part

2. Status reports from Use Cases

- cBioPortal
- Marine Metagenomics
- Insyght
We are progressing on the evaluation of the new AppDB Dashboard. The next step will be to use it for the automatic deployment of the whole Insygth application. 

- PhenoMeNal
- JetStream

3. Closing ELIXIR-CC

- Final report will be created by EGI based on the documents and deliverables of the project.

4. AOB

- Enol will contact the EGI communications team to find a place for use case demo videos.



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