OPENAIRE: N. Manola, P. Oliveira, Paolo Manghi
EOSC-hub: M. v. Sanden, C. Cacciari, T. Ferrari, G. Sipos, D. Scardaci, P. Weber, J. Reetz (remote)
DARIAH: P. Wieder, M. Martens
==> Introduction to collaboration (Mark)
==> DARIAH. Introduction at Compute and data level within EOSC
DARIAH: data production. How can it be linked to OPENAIRE? DARIAH repository: heavily involved in OpenAIRE, but repository is not OpenAIRE ready. End user tool: to search the repository and if they publish data goes to the repository to share it. Repository: 1 hosted in Germany for DARIAH / Digital Humanities (no discussion yet on national offering with national instances e.g. in France) --> can national infrastructures can be shared at European level. So: identity one or two large platforms for the whole of DARIAH. Base technology CDSTAR (object store) for the EGI hosted service compliant
Natalia: linking at AAI level?
Mike: research dashboard. Platform for annotation, release annotation for reuse, only after production of article or book. Research object has to be released. Annotation is published with a timestamp.
Manghi: publicize workflow, data, VM before pbulication (continous publishing)
DARIAH publishes the data repository and gateway in the EOSC-hub marketplace, get processing. Diagram developed
- AAI integration
- use thematic analytics services (DARIAH gateway)
- find data, import, process, generate output
- publish output in DARIAH repository
- DARIAH repository is harvested by OpenAIRE
Marios: AppDB allows the definition of topologies (which can be organized as research objects as a bundle of data and VMs for example). Gergely: research object has elements of provenance etc. and it is broader