T7.1 Clarin



Claudio Cacciari (Cineca)

Attendees: Debora, Willem, Dieter

* Evaluation of AAI -> Daan Broader -> early December -> status to be checked  with Daan
* VM testing: in contact with Diego, latency issues, new machines provided benchmarks done, additional testing done and CESNET offered extra suggestion to improve performance. -> Benchmarks re-run and performances are ok but a bug was spotted in the benchmark code which gave major differences than actual number before.   Information sent also to Diego.
* CESENT offers also GPUs machine which are used for some linguistic experiments. 
* Last week, workshop in Gottigen on Switchboard and VCR, mainly about explaining the concept and possibility to add tools to the switchboard, also in relation to the SSHOC project. 
* Planning of a re-write of the VCR to simplify the data model to make it more user friendly to create a virtual collection. Still part of EOSC-Hub.  

* AOB: After the EOSC-hub week of May next year, no other major events.

Next meeting: 28th Jan 10:30 CET 

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