WP7 all tasks



Claudio Cacciari (Cineca)

Attendees: T7.1, T7.2, T7.3, T7.5, T7.7, T7.8, T7.9

Missing: T7.4, T7.6

  • Claudio talked about the next All hands meeting in Malaga: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/event/3903/timetable/#20180418 .
  • He stated that the workplans and the usage metrics have been provided to AMB, WP10, WP11 and WP13. So now He is waiting for feedback from WP13 about the usage metrics.
  • There is an issue about the editing of the event table: https://wiki.eosc-hub.eu/display/EOSC/Events. Claudio already asked Malgorzata to check about Alexandre Bonvin and Daniele Spiga and he is waiting for feedback.
  • On Wednesday April 7th Claudio will have a meeting with Gergely (WP8) and Tiziana (WP1) to discuss about the capacity requirements: how to allocate the requested resources?
  • It would be a good thing if the community could disseminate their EOSC-hub activities through their usual dissemination channels (web portals, mailing lists, etc.). Gergely proposed a template to CC in WP8, Claudio will forward it to the TSs.
  • No other specific issues or problems are mentioned by the participants.
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