- Opened TS: setup both DODAS core services and DODAS Enabling Facility. The latter for the momoent is only @CNAF. By April we'll add also Bari
- Started the overall validation. The validation phase includes also the exploitation of externa/commercial provider (IaaS). This step is done in conjunction with HNSci.
- EOSC-hub accounting integration is still a priority. Did't received any feedback from the project. Some proactive actions have been done to start defining a proposal.
- Feedback on metrics still a request. Don't know feedback about proposed metrics.
- WP7 contributions at AHM is required. Claudio will circulate ideas but feedback will be needed.
- Claudio suggest to track con confluence (WP7.2 dedicated section) material and/or information about major deliverables (when possible)
- Mentioned marketplace. Daniele highlight how important would be (in this context) to be allowed to participate at relevan discussions if any.
- Templates/logs needed for presentations and public events: Claudio says that here: https://wiki.eosc-hub.eu/display/EOSC/Communications+Toolkit is the place where to look.
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