T7.6 WeNMR



Claudio Cacciari (Cineca)

Kickoff meeting in Malaga 


A representative from Florence will attend (and possibly a future member of the Utrecht team)

We also discussed the rather limited travel budget to support attendance to the various meetings and dissemination/training/workshop activities.


Implementing access to B2Drop and other repos from portals: 

It would be good to see how the Virtual Folder developed under the West-Life VRE project could be implemented (or a similar solution) in EOSC-Hub. Here are links to the West-Life solutions:



A demo of an implementation in a devel version of our DISVIS portal can be seen in:


This information will be passed to WP10

The INDIGO-Datacloud ONEDATA work was also mentioned (involved Florence and INFN Padova). Something to be checked for EOSC-Hub.

At INFN Padova, work has been done (with the help of Onedata developers) to implement WeNMR/West-Life SSO as authentication method, by modifing the existing ELIXIR plugin. After that, the plan is to enable Onedata user space as Virtual Folder backend. Since webdav interface is not yet available for Onedata, some C# coding into VF backed service is required.


DIRAC4EGI implementation

- Florence will start working on it

- Utrecht updated their installation for the HADDOCK portal (Update to latest version)

- Updates of DIRAC4EGI caused some problems. A ticket was opened on GGUS and a solution provided by the DIRAC4EGI developers (ticket: https://ggus.eu/index.php?mode=ticket_info&ticket_id=133240). Another ticket about DIRAC4EGI is still in progress (https://ggus.eu/index.php?mode=ticket_info&ticket_id=132943).


General dissemination activites

We are waiting for edit rights in confluence to update the current list


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