T7.9 LifeWatch



Claudio Cacciari (Cineca)
  • Review of the WP7.9 described in google sheets:
    • February's tasks are covered: Identified "draft" of the capacity needed for every TS
    • Currently gathering information about the current and future status of every TS: To identify legacy level of integation for TS, to identify EGI, INDIGO and EUDAT services to be used and once gathered this information, to provide a detailed integration plan.
  •  A "template" for every TS have been done in order to gather all the information to cover requierements and current/future status; this template covers information about Front End, Back End, Storage, Access control and auth needs for every TS. WP7.9 members are using this template to fullfill all the information requirements in WP7.
  • About the HW capacity requirements, it is expected that every TS support its needs using its own HW resources. In case of need any special HW resource from EOSC, WP7.9 have to advise to WP7 coordinator.
  • Within WP10 some support groups are being created to provide support to other WP and tasks, if any special topic if needed in WP7.9 it should be advised to WP7 coordinator in order to adapt the topics to the especific needs or provides especific support. In advance, Access Provissioning is an important topic for WP7.9.
  • Next WP7.9 meeting th 10th of April at 12:00h
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