EOSC-hub WP9 Bi-weekly call

GTM1 (GoToMeeting)



Sy Holsinger (EGI.eu)
This reoccurring meeting, held on a bi-weekly basis, aims to support WP9 management activities. Target participation is to have at least one representative from each partner that is contributing to the overall project and WP9 objectives i.e. EGI Foundation, CINECA, F6S, PSNC, UCL.
EOSC-hub Week
Industry Events
PM1-PM12 Work Plan
Project Metrics
    • Action Review
      • https://docs.google.com/document/d/1migJseqYSVPO43X0eG1OAtScDZiZkDl0Y6eQ88qkXtg/edit
    • WP9 Updates
      • WP9 PY1 work plan call with AMB co-chairs 15 Mar (Approved); Notes available: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1TrOlv7_-rL1hs2m3PIwluwawLovIPtGK-RKry-eGx7s/edit
      • Activity Metrics (still missing/not complete): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1e7mpWgoP45wLNz_OTZn31cekUckYAKxVSqhaexZChFU/edit#gid=136439322
      • EOSC-hub week F2F meeting: Need ideas for main points to discuss
    • WP9.1 Updates
      • ICTFOOTPRINT.eu Workshop Event “Green ICT – in practice” - 20 March - Amsterdam (Attended/presented)
      • Other events? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SVs7M9lb2LnsjmPRn6sc44KSTymdpiRPCldxXhiIgsU/edit#gid=2053634289
      • D9.2 "Joint Digital Innovation Hub
        Intro and Strategy" (M6): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jWy-LXdnrQw-rlVuDk0KlwIxkj0MC2e_Ta1XFlaFQAU/edit#
      • Identify and prioritize industry contacts to pursue: https://wiki.eosc-hub.eu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=20383698 ; https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1SVs7M9lb2LnsjmPRn6sc44KSTymdpiRPCldxXhiIgsU/edit#gid=89509441
    • WP9.2 Updates
      • D9.1 "Initial Business Pilots Overview & Work Plans" (M3) in external review: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11ZuHMi6gkhgDb7odrwUw6BaHEg6Ju4hJxhYsOH5iFO0/edit
      • EOSC-hub WP9 results preliminary assessment: Call scheduled for Thurs 22 May with WP3
      • Use of Trello as a task management tool
      • Technical requirements analysis status/plans?
      • Other?
    • Next Meeting + AOB
      • Next Calls: 4 Apr (Call); 18 Apr (F2F - Malaga)
      • AOB