WP11 meeting no.5

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Giuseppe La Rocca (EGI Foundation)
Sy Holsinger (EGI Foundation)
Yin Chen (EGI Foundation)
Rene van Horik (DANS-KNAW)

Ilona von Stein (DANS-KNAW)
Riccardo Bruno (INFN)


1.) Status of the training catalogue

Following the technical meeting we had with Fabio Gennai from TRUST-IT (15/03/2018) we agreed to use Drupal as CMS to implement the WP11 training catalogue.

This decision is motivated by the following reasons:

  • It is available an OIDC module for Drupal to extend the AAI framework and support the Identify Federation authentication mechanism
  • Drupal provides support to implement the moderation of training materials
    • The registration of the CMS portal as SP of the EGI AAI Check-In service to extend the AAI authentication framework using the OIDC module was successfully.
  • Long-running experience in using this technology within the project consortium.

A first draft of the technical requirements to implement the training catalogue is available at:

This draft document has been sent to TRUST-IT.

- Rene: will further describe the moderation workflow to be implemented
- Yin: will start to contact developers of the Common and Federated services to get link to documentations, manuals, and anything useful
  to develop training contents. As temporary solutions, this materials will be downloaded in the WP11 Google shared folder

2.) DPM activities in T11.2

Preparation of the training content for the WP11 training event on RDM during the EOSC-hub AHM in Malaga (18/04/2018, 16:00 - 17:30 CEST)
Three topics will be covered during the event:
1.) Framework for discipline-specific Research Data Management (RDM) (30')
2.) EOSC-hub services that will support the Research Data life cycle (30') 
3.) Tools to create Data Management Plans (30')

In preparation:

Organization of the RDM webinar on 15/05/2018, 13:00 - 14:00 CEST
Target audience: researchers, research support staff, data librarians
Presenters: Ellen Leenarts (DANS/ EOSC-hub project) and Marjan Grootveld (DANS/ OpenAIRE Advance project)

- Rene will refine the abstract of the event.
- Giuseppe will start the promotion of the event with WP3.

3.) Status of the WP11 training plan

An updated version of the training plan is available at: 

4.) Milestones
- "M11.1 - Process is defined for allocating financial support for trainers to attend f2f events"  (01/March/2018)
   The updated PROC07 is available in the Confluence page [1]. 
   PROC07 is under review by the finance group.

- "M11.2 - Online services for training" (01/April/2018)
   Created a list of online services/tools to support the planning, management and delivery of training events.
   The initial list of this online tools is available at:

- "M11.3 - Training programme of the first year" (01/April/2018)
   Training programme for the first year is available at: 

   Contacted WP5/WP6 managers to understand whether there are interested to deliver training events on Federated and Common services.

- Registered and reviewed risks for WP11
- Registered Products Results (PRs) for the milestones: M11.1, M11.2 and M11.3.

- Giuseppe: Create a new feedback form based on the EUDAT/EGI froms
                  Register the training@eosc-hub.eu mailing-list
                  Sent reminder to WP5/WP6 managers
5.) Training events
- (T11.5) First TS training event request received from the CLARIN community
  Agenda: https://bigdatawg.nist.gov/bdgmm2018.html
  Contact: Menzo.windhouwer@meertens.knaw.nl

- (T11.4) Towards cross infrastructure Operational Security in EOSC-hub
  Agenda: http://indico4.twgrid.org/indico/event/4/session/17/contribution/18
  Contacts: Sven Gabriel and David Kelsey

- (T11.3) Lightweight Service Management for Research Infrastructures: The FitSM Approach
  Agenda: https://indico.egi.eu/indico/event/3906/
  Contact: Giuseppe La Rocca and Sy Holsinger
- (T11.4) EOSC-hub Storage solution
  Contact: Gergely Sipos, Diego Scardaci and Giacinto Donvito

In preparation:
Organized the FitSM Foundation training during the EOSC-hub AHM in Malaga.
18 current participants registered.
Sy suggested to collocate next FitSM Foundation training with some EOSC-hub WP meetings.

6.) AoB
Nothing to report

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