Alessandro Paolini (EGI Foundation)
David Cohen (NGI_IL)
Dmytro Karpenko (NGI_NDGF)
Gianfranco Sciacca (NGI_CH)
Ionut Vasile (NGI_RO)
Miroslav Dobrucky (IISAS)
Ruben Diez (CESGA)
Stephane Gerard (BEgrid)
Zdenek Salvet (DMSU)
Jerome Pansanel
Gianfranco: wrt "Notifications from ARGO about the nagios probes failures", when a service is flapping it results in email flood, it would be good to have the emails triggered only if the service is in a give nstate for some time or after N notifications
Gianfranco: is UNKNOWN triggering notifications?
Joao: for the EGI conference, it would be good to get an overview from NGIs/sites about the configuration management, what they use, why, if they feel fine with the current setup and if they are planning to move to different one etc