3rd OLA Task Force meeting (05 Apr 2011)
Renato Santana
Miroslav Dobrucky
Andres Aeschlimann
Torsten Antoni
Malgorzata Krakowian
Christos Kanellopoulos
Tomasz Szepieniec
Phone bridge: Michaela until Vera joined
Vera Hasper
Peter Sologna
Moldova NGI
Mats Nylen
Tiziana Ferrari
Dimitris Zilaskos
Tiziana: putting replies for the comments in the review of the OLA at https://rt.egi.eu/rt/Ticket/Display.html?id=1526
The is now terminology section explaining what is RC, RIP, Capability, NGI.The NGI definition is
a European concept and it is not generallay applicable outside Europe. The OLA mut be flexible enough for non European partnerships.
Renato: For example in Latin America there 2 ROCs in the same area, ROC_LA and
ROC_IGALC where a partner represents a cluster of institutes
Tiziana: Comments still being incoporated in version 1.1. Document with track changes and comments with explainations is attached to the material.
Dimitris: with regards to a RIP OLA, what should be contained? A RIP has to provide
Nagios: This is mandatory
Helpdesk: This is mandatory
ROD: This is mandatory
Tiziana: Core services: Not all NGIs have for example a top level bdii, which was mandatory in EGEE
Tiziana: When the cental monitoring system at CERN works fully we will be able to define thresholds. So the quality parameters for the RIP obligations will come afterwards.
Proposed structure for the RIP OLA document
RIP madatory services
GOCDB interactions (data that RIP is required to maintain and ensure they remain accurate)
Certify RCs on time, adhere to the egi certification procedure. enforce policies. Possible also expclity mention which policies to adhere, and same for procedures.
AP: Dimitris circulate the draft document first in the task force for comments, by the end of the week
Thomasz: think about resposibilities of the RIP first, and scope of the RIP OLA.
Goal: By the end of May-mid June have a consolidated draft that can be exposed in the review.
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