3 June 2010
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Development teams and tools overview

3 Jun 2010, 09:50
CWI - Z009 (EGI.eu)

CWI - Z009


Amsterdam Science Park http://www.scienceparkamsterdam.nl/en/contact/how-to-find-us/ http://www.cwi.nl/en/general/Address http://www.sara.nl/contact/route_adam_eng.html

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Cyril Lorphelin (CNRS)
03/06/2010, 09:50
Dr Torsten Antoni (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
03/06/2010, 10:10
Mr Gilles Mathieu (RAL-STFC), Dr John Gordon (STFC-RAL)
03/06/2010, 10:30
Mr Gilles Mathieu (RAL-STFC)
03/06/2010, 10:50
Dr Javier Lopez Cacheiro (CESGA)
03/06/2010, 11:20
David Horat (CERN), Mr Emir Imamagic (University Computing Centre (SRCE))
03/06/2010, 11:40
Dr Javier Lopez Cacheiro (CESGA)
03/06/2010, 12:00
Building timetable...