FitSM Advanced Training in Service Operation and Control (SOC) - Amsterdam - 19-21 June 2019

Amsterdam Science Park

Amsterdam Science Park

Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
Malgorzata Krakowian (, Owen Appleton (EGI.EU), Sy Holsinger (

IT Service Management is a discipline that helps provide services with a focus on customer needs and in a professional manner. It is widely used in the commercial and public sectors to manage IT services of all types, but current solutions are very heavyweight with high barriers to entry.

FitSM is a lightweight approach to professionally managing services. It brings order and traceability to a complex area and provides simple, practical support in getting started with ITSM. FitSM training and certification provides crucial help in providing services and improving their management. It provides a common conceptual and process model, sets out straightforward and realistic requirements and links them to supporting materials.

This two-day Advanced level course aims to provide individuals with deeper knowledge of the ITSM processes focusing on service operation and control.

Training Prices

  • For EOSC-hub project consortium members
    • Free: this course is partially funded by the EC H2020 EOSC-hub project, therefore costs for consortium members are covered by the project, both the training course cost and exam fee (€160 charged by certification authority ICO-Cert).
    • Any desired print-outs are the responsibility of the participant, electronic copies will be provided to all participants for free.
    • Registration required via Indico
  • For Non-EOSC-hub project consortium members, the training course is open to participation with the following associated costs:
    • €799 - Base Training Fee*
    • €679 - EGI Participant Discounted Training Fee (e.g. NGI/EIRO)*
    • €160 - Exam Fee (charged by certification authority ICO-Cert)
      • Required for formal certification
    • €40 - Print-outs (optional)
      • For those who prefer to have a printed copy of the training material (i.e. Training slides; FitSM-2 Objectives and Activities).
      • Electronic copies will be provided to all participants for free.
    • Registration and payment required via Eventbrite

*Prices include lunch, coffee breaks, room facilities, administration overhead, EGI Foundation is VAT exempt for delivery of professional training courses.


  • 15 hours (plus 60-minute exam)

Target audience

  • Individuals aiming to fulfil a coordinating role in the ITSM processes related to the operation and control of IT services
  • Candidates who wish to progress to the Expert level of the qualification and certification scheme

Entry requirements

  • Must hold FitSM Foundation Certificate


  • Repeat the most important foundation knowledge on (lightweight) ITSM
  • Become familiar with the general aspects of implementing ITSM, the processes required to plan and deliver services effectively (according to the FitSM-1 standard), and important interfaces in a service management system.
  • ITSM processes in focus of this training:
    • Incident and service request management
    • Problem management
    • Configuration management
    • Change management
    • Release and deployment management
    • Continual service improvement


  • 60 minutes, at the end of the training
  • Closed book, i.e. no aids are allowed
  • 30 multiple choice questions (four possible answers for each question, one correct answer per question)
  • At least 70% correct answers (21 of 30) are required to pass the examination

Training Outputs
The outputs of the training are as follows:

  • Exam results
  • Certificates for those passing the exam with unique certificate license number 

Communication of results, and availability for download through personal client area, provided by the certification authority ICO-Cert.

Related downloads
The current version of the FitSM Advanced training slides and other material can be found here:

  • Bjorn Backeberg
  • Christoph Reimer
  • Hakan Bayindir
  • Hylke Koers
  • Johannes Bernardus Raymond Oonk
  • Jorge Rodriguez
  • Sabry Razick
  • Sheila Izquieta-Rojano
    • 12:45 13:00
      Getting settled in 15m Room H220 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room H220 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
    • 13:00 14:30
      FitSM Foundation wrap-up & ITSM basics Room H220 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room H220 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
      Convener: Owen Appleton (NA)
    • 14:30 15:00
      Coffee/Tea Break 30m Room H220 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room H220 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
    • 15:00 16:45
      Selected general aspects of establishing a service management system (SMS) Room H220 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room H220 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG

      Top management responsibility
      – Commitment and leadership
      – Governance and policies
      – Documents and records
      – Document control
      Defining the scope of service management
      The PDCA cycle applied to the SMS
      – Planning service management (PLAN)
      – Implementing service management (DO)
      – Monitoring and reviewing service management (CHECK)
      – Continually improving service management (ACT)

      Convener: Owen Appleton (NA)
    • 16:45 17:00
      Wrap-up, Next Day Overview 15m Room H220 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room H220 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
    • 09:00 09:15
      Getting settled in 15m Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
    • 09:15 10:30
      Incident & Service Request Management (ISRM) Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
      Convener: Owen Appleton (NA)
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee/Tea Break 30m Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
    • 11:00 12:15
      Problem Management (PM) Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
      Convener: Owen Appleton (NA)
    • 12:15 13:00
      Lunch 45m Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
    • 13:00 14:00
      Configuration Management (CONFM) Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
      Convener: Sy Holsinger (
    • 14:00 14:15
      Coffee/Tea Break 15m
    • 14:15 15:30
      Change Management (CHM) Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
      Convener: Sy Holsinger (
      • 14:15
        Coffee/Tea 15m
      • 14:30
        Coffee/Tea 30m
    • 15:30 15:45
      Coffee/Tea Break 15m Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
    • 15:45 17:00
      Release & Deployment Management (RDM) Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Room N328 (Nikhef building 105)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
      Convener: Sy Holsinger (
    • 09:00 09:15
      Getting settled in 15m Room VK3 (EGI/SURFsara building 140)

      Room VK3 (EGI/SURFsara building 140)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
    • 09:15 10:30
      Continual Service Improvement (CSI); Process interfaces and dependencies Room VK3 (EGI/SURFsara building 140)

      Room VK3 (EGI/SURFsara building 140)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
      • Continual Service Improvement Management (CSI)
      • ITSM process interfaces and dependencies
      • Sample exam & exam preparation
      Convener: Malgorzata Krakowian (
    • 10:30 11:00
      Coffee/Tea / Exam Prep 30m Room VK3 (EGI/SURFsara building 140)

      Room VK3 (EGI/SURFsara building 140)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG
    • 11:00 13:00
      Exam Room VK3 (EGI/SURFsara building 140)

      Room VK3 (EGI/SURFsara building 140)

      Amsterdam Science Park

      Amsterdam, Netherlands 1098XG