Debora Testi (CINECA)


Debora, Sofiane, Tobias

Dissemination: ECAS accepted to 2 conferences (one with a poster and one for training)

B2SHALE PIs integration pending reply from B2SHARE team. ACTION: Debora to ping them ont he situation.

There was an internal issue related to an update on DKRZ side, but the issue was solved and the system is up and running.

Sofiane will be moving from September to another DKRZ department but he will remain involved in EOSC-hub partially. A new person will start to work ont he task specifically on the design of new workflows and training. 

PO accepted the request to update end of task to match the milestone and end date for the task will be now M22.

Information provided offline by CMCC:

  • Jointly with DKRZ we are preparing an ECAS Training session during the EUDAT/PRACE summer school (https://eudat.eu/eudat-prace-summer-school-2019)
  • Test and validation of the internal procedure for the ECAS VA reporting
  • ECAS VMI validation test in progress with EGI team
  • Minor progress on the ansible activity for IM/FedCloud (this will be our main activity until M22).
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