14–17 Sept 2010
Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


NGI User Support Teams

17 Sept 2010, 09:00
Yakult Room (Beurs van Berlage)

Yakult Room

Beurs van Berlage

Damrak 277 Amsterdam


The stated goal of EGI is to provide significant added value for existing and new user communities. The main providers

of User Support service in EGI are National Grid Initiatives (NGIs), under the coordination of a central body, the EGI.eu

organisation. While the primary responsibility of the User Support Teams of NGIs is to serve and support the development

of users inside their own countries, the EGI.eu UCST assures that these national efforts fit together at the European

level and satisfy multi-national, large scientific collaborations.

The session includes an overview presentation on the User Support services of EGI, followed by presentations from

different NGIs that actively search for and serve user communities. Services provided by these NGIs include:

  • consultancy
  • training
  • porting scientific applications
  • providing access to gridified scientific applications
  • assisting the setup and monitoring of Virtual Organisations (VO)
  • development of new grid software services (infrastructure, portal, toolkit, etc.)
  • collecting feedbacks and requirements from users
  • documentation
  • helpdesk
  • Integration of new communities

Presentation materials

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