14–17 Sept 2010
Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Grid Operations Interoperations

14 Sept 2010, 16:00
Yakult Room (Beurs van Berlage)

Yakult Room

Beurs van Berlage

Damrak 277 Amsterdam


A growing EGI production infrastructure has to define a basic set of operational interfaces, this touches tools as well as procedures and policies. It should be in the interest of the NGIs to push development in this field and spread their wishes and requests to achieve a smoothless experience for a regional operator on duty.

This session introduces you to the new field of operational interoperability and confronts you with different ideas and approaches to achieve the desired state. We will see already successful examples when it comes to integration of middleware stack services in the current EGI production infrastructure as well as examples where they real work hasn't even started yet. More exact requirements have to be defined and a basic understanding of different viewpoints is hopefully established during this session.

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