14–17 Sept 2010
Beurs van Berlage
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Interoperation HPC & HTC

16 Sept 2010, 11:00
Yakult Room (Beurs van Berlage)

Yakult Room

Beurs van Berlage

Damrak 277 Amsterdam


Modern research communities often require access to both HPC and HTC computing infrastructures to enable leading edge research.

Ambitious research projects leverage the power of the different infrastructures and engage in HPC through projects like DEISA/PRACE as well as in HTC through projects under the umbrella of EGEE/EGI.

Current work in the field is paving the way towards a future seamless infrastructure which will allow research communities worldwide to exploit both HPC and HTC facilities with minimum overhead.

This session highlights the current state of HPC/HTC Inter-operation.
Focus is placed on the definition of standards to enable inter-operation and existing projects which currently utilize both HPC and HTC facilities.

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