EOSC-hub WP10 Leaders Meeting

EOSC-hub WP10 Leaders Meeting 17 Ott 2019 10:00 Connection details https://global.gotomeeting.com/join/684023885 Actions: -Giacinto will reply to Diego mail by pushing an answer for the RDA survey -Submission of the RDA survey before 21.10 -Ask for update from EOSC-hub involved participants -Update from last RDA plenary to be added -Ask the AMB to update the info and define the TL involved -Ask the TCOM for Pablo inclusion -Schedule a doodle for the next meeting

EOSC-hub WP10 Leaders Meeting

17 Ott 2019 10:00


Connection details







Report from the review (Giacinto Donvito)

From the review: Architecture, not an homogeneou view present
clear interface needed 

  • Complicated to give an answer

  • Define specifications

Points raised from the review

  • Missing Link with the use case

  • Missing Link with the specification not present

Theoretical Framework defined to define the Reference architecture
Work has to be done


Diego: no one answered on the mail for the RDA survey
Giacinto: I will try to push by replying to Diego mail
Action: Giacinto will reply to Diego mail by pushing an answer


Abstract for EOSC symposium 

  • Not clear, prepare the abstract asking for a generic arch
    Clarify the impact of FAIR on the definition of the arch

  • FAIR are important but not the only requirements

  • Define how FAIR will impact the whole architecture

  • Lukasz and Mark involved

Technical specification to be focused in the next weeks

Corrective actions

Be prepared for the next round of deliverable


Activity report and plan for the next quarter
Task Leaders
T10.1 - Technical Roadmap
Discussion above

T10.2 - Service Catalogue Technical Evolution

T10.3 - Community Requirement Analysis and Technical support
Present to the PMB the EAP, mail to the shepherd to finalize the activity 

  • Discussion on action to be finalized and approve the applications

Upcoming deliverables

  • If Deliverable are too late there is the possibility that the  material cannot be used by on-time deliverable

Move to late the deliverable can be a risk

  • No positive concern from the PI

T10.4 - Common service building requirements and gap analysis

Pablo Ask to be involved in the TCOM meeting

  • GAP analysis discussions should be placed there

Activities for D10.6 are the main focus now


RDA Survey for EOSC-related projects

The aim of this survey is to consult with European Open Science Cloud-related projects to gain insight into their levels of interaction with the Research Data Alliance (RDA), its activities, and its outputs.


Answer to the RDA survey



Mostly on the engagement of groups

Deadline:  21.10
Prepare the doc as soon as possible
EOSC-hub relationship with RDA

  • Ask for update from EOSC-hub involved participants

  • Update from last RDA plenary to be added

  • Ask the AMB to update the info and define the TL involved 

  • Ask the TCOM for Pablo inclusion



  • Ask for update from EOSC-hub involved participants

  • Update from last RDA plenary to be added

  • Ask the AMB to update the info and define the TL involved 

  • Ask the TCOM for Pablo inclusion



Next meeting in 2 weeks
Giacinto will schedule a doodle
Action: Giacinto will schedule a doodle for the next meeting

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Report from the review
      Speaker: Dr Giacinto Donvito (INFN)
    • 2
      Corrective actions
    • 3
      Activity report and plan for the next quarter
    • 5