
Attendees: Debora, Daniele and Marica

  • Refactoring of the recipes and TOSCA templates in terms of roles and updates ongoing on CONDOR with alignment to the version with the token. 
  • In parallel, alignment to new version of Xroot
  • Operational the support to most use cases with the new orchestrator PaaS with the new dashboard. -> new activities is validation for all use cases.
  • Involvement in the WG on Kubernetes (after CEP)
  • Ongoing discussion on the use and integration with the project ESCAPE.
  • Ongoing support the other communities - > Fermi the most demanding in terms of effort.

ACTION: Debora, additional effort to be confirmed 

ACTION: D7.3 - review ongoing

ACTION: EOSC-Hub week session 

Next meeting: 5 Mar 9:30 am CET

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