Debora Testi (CINECA)

Attendees: Debora, Daniele and Marica

* Integration: 
 - last part from the plan for the accounting integration to be started
 - porting a kubernetes also ready for validation
 - orchestrator and use cases integration completed for all use cases and validated 
 - further tests to be executed, from now on bug fixing by the end of the project service production ready

* Communities:
 - Astro: AMS use in production -> integration via DODAS of federation batch of HW resources at ASI with resources that are at CNAF transparency to the user. 
- Fermi are using the resources but not in production yet
- CMS: besides the original use case integration which is under testing 

* Acknowledgments EOSC-hub for all services -> ongoing

Next meeting: 4 May 9:30 am CEST

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