WP8 task leaders meeting


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Reports from the CCs:


- Chinese IdP added

- Authorisation to reassess: Keep PERUN or change to CoManage? Meeting next week

- Notebooks tests ongoing with a local installation


- Working on Web demo of RDSDS

- Next CC meeting: Thu 12:30

- New CC leader was hired, to start in July


- Presented outcomes at EGU, with quite big feedback

- We run out of resources, so development stalled. Few days effort for communication is left. --> Will consider the request for additional budget for extra work in 2020

- Plan is to integrate outcome into LTER-Plus RI project, which just kicked off in February (in parallel with the preparatory phase of LTER that builds the ERIC)

- Started writing content for final deliverable. Will share draft with Gergely


- Explored more-or-less all directions that we had in mind in the beginning:

1. AAI system is in place and is in operation withing the community

2. Tool for managing data policies at data centres is in place, further development continues within the community

3. Assessment of Jupyter for computing at multiple data centres. AAI system does not work the same way on all the nodes. We need to continue work on this domain.

- Extra budget requested for testing the system with power users

- We integrate the setup now with provenance system (new work started at KNMI)


- 2x90 min workshop to be organised online in early August

- Wrap up of Indonesian tsunami case.

- Simulation portals: To support containerisation. Smulation jobs to be deployable in different clouds across the AP partners

        * iCOMCOT resubmitted about a month ago to onboarding. No feedback

- AAI: IAM integration ongoing into local SSO systems; Check-in integration to investigations

- Extension: Possible to benefit from the extension because there were delays


- Acknowledgment texts have been added

- New service URL will be available for the existing service

- Integrating the 'Intake' library, a data cataloguing and dissemination library. Work is jointly done with EOSC-Pillar







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