
Attendees: Debora, Daniele and Cristina

* Services/operations:

- Documentation re-writing missing just details on the specific configurations for the communities supported. -> under internal review but already public.
- Enlarging solutions for storage. Introduce support to S3 which is used by Fermi experiment. IT gives the possibility to use POSIX. CNAF is expanding this solution.
- Integration with orchestrator has no major updates. Improvements have been done to the user interface.

* Communities:

- Fermi community is enlarging; thanks to the results from who is already using it others would like to use the same solution. Supporting AMS also for exploitation of resources in ASI. There is a Fermi community sitting in ASI and they would like to have access to the same system. 

Next meeting: 07 Sept 9:30 am CEST.

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