CSIRT / EOSC-hub T4.4 Online F2F Part 1

David Kelsey (STFC), Sven Gabriel (NIKHEF)

For logistics and video information see the EGI CSIRT private wiki

For Vidyo Room link see here

Timings and even the order of topics may change.

Agenda in draft stage


CSIRT / EOSC-hub T4.4 Online F2F Part 1 Registration
    • 1
      Speaker: David Kelsey (STFC)
      • a) Procedure for handling risks and controls
        Speaker: David Kelsey (STFC)
      • b) Plans for the last 6 months of EOSC-Hub (Task 4.4)
        Speaker: David Kelsey (STFC)
      • c) After EOSC: what made it in our proposal submitted June 18th
        Speaker: David Groep (NIKHEF)
    • 15:15
      Offline break

      Read your emails, drink something up to you ;)

    • 2

      Of all incidents not debriefed in the last meeting

      Speaker: Vincent Brillault (CERN)