Nov 3 – 4, 2020 (code: 202011)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


GOSC, the Concept and Preliminary Landscape

Nov 3, 2020, 11:15 AM (code: 202011) (code: 202011)


GOSC, the Concept and Preliminary Landscape

  • Simon Hodson (Executive Director CODATA; Vice Chair, UNESCO Open Science Advisory Committee)


The objective of this session is to review the existing work in Europe and globally, discuss the concept of GOSC, the landscape, and the roadmap.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Ana Persic (Senior Programme Specialist, Chief of Section a.i.,UNESCO)
11/3/20, 11:15 AM
Geoffrey Boulton (Governing Board, International Science Council)
11/3/20, 11:25 AM
Simon Hodson (Executive Director CODATA; Vice Chair, UNESCO Open Science Advisory Committee)
11/3/20, 11:35 AM
Jianhui Li (Director of CSTCloud, CNIC, Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)), Hussein Sherief (AASCTC)
11/3/20, 11:45 AM

This talk will present the landscape of existing work at global level and the preliminary GOSC vision and objectives

Building timetable...