3–4 Nov 2020
http://go.egi.eu/zoom3 (code: 202011)
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Global e-Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving the GOSC Vision

4 Nov 2020, 11:15
http://go.egi.eu/zoom3 (code: 202011)

http://go.egi.eu/zoom3 (code: 202011)


Global e-Infrastructures: Challenges and Opportunities in Achieving the GOSC Vision

  • Mark Dietrich (EGI Foundation)


The objective of this session is to consider how existing e-Infrastructure resources can participate and support GOSC. International e-Infrastructure providers are invited to discuss their challenges in the international collaboration efforts (i.e., service provision, community support, standards in use), and identify challenges to this collaboration that might be addressed through GOSC.

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Mark Dietrich (Senior Advisor, EGI.eu)
04/11/2020, 11:15
Happy Sithole (Center Manager, National Integrated Cyber-Infrastructure at CSIR-NICIS, South Africa)
04/11/2020, 11:20
Lili Zhang (International Project Manager, CSTCloud Department, CNIC, CAS)
04/11/2020, 11:40
Erik Huizer (CEO, GÉANT), Happy Sithole (Center Manager, CSIR-NICIS), Lili Zhang (CNIC), Natalia Manola (Managing Director, OpenAIRE), Rosie Hicks (CEO Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC), ), Tiziana Ferrari (EGI.eu)
04/11/2020, 12:20

Focused questions:
-- What are the common opportunities for working with a GOSC?
-- What are the common challenges for international cooperation that GOSC can help with?

Building timetable...