Realizing the Vision of GOSC
- Tiziana Ferrari (Director of EGI Foundation)
Summary of main points in previous session. Funding bodies (EC, CAS, US) are invited to give information about funding opportunities. Based on these, the discussion will focus on the next step priorities for different stakeholders.
(Division Director, Bureau of International Cooperation, CAS headquarter)
04/11/2020, 13:20
Kostas Glinos
(European Commission, Head of Unit for Open Science)
04/11/2020, 13:30
Manish Parashar
(Director, Office of Advanced Cyberinfrastructure (OAC) National Science Foundation)
04/11/2020, 13:40
Jianhui Li
Mark Dietrich
(Senior Advisor,,
Simon Hodson
04/11/2020, 14:05
- Summary of key findings on challenges and opportunities for a Global Open Science Cloud initiative
- Gaps to be addressed in policies and governance for data and service sharing
- Gaps to be addressed in technical interoperability and data sharing
- The role of RDA and the CODATA decadal programme
- Next actions