
Attendees: Debora, Daniele, and Cristina

* incident at CNAF: some information on the history of the usage of one of the DODAS services; 
Some metrics will have missing period in the reporting metrics. 
* PaaS integrazione con EGI checkin. There is just the dashboard integration missing.
* Documentation updates done
* Support to token with Condor -> it simplifies the architecture
* Integration of Jupiter notebooks with S3 storage in trasparent way

* Fermi community is asking to grow in the usage of resources. The offer to Fermi will be increased. 
* Some theorical researchers have asked to try out DODAS - test bed under preparation
* Community who in the phase of buiding the simulation model. Exploitation after EOSC-hub. 

Contribution to deliverable D7.5 pending. 

Next meeting: 18 Feb 9:30 am CET.

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