20 January 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Final Project Priorities

20 Jan 2021, 11:45
GTM-P1 (GoToMeeting)




  • Last Deliverable
    --- D9.4 "Joint Digital Innovation Hub Final Results and Sustainability Plan"
    --- Terms of Reference for operating the DIH post-project
  • Success Story Brochure
  • Business Pilots
    --- Finalize remaining pilots running
    --- Collect material for inclusion in deliverable
    --- Collect material for the updated success story brochure
  • Dissemination
    --- Website updates
    --- Social media posts
    --- Online event participation (i.e. DIH annual conference - 26-27 Jan'21)
    --- Community Meeting
  • Admin
    --- Any updates to final project reporting
    --- Metrics and KPIs
    --- Final EC Review (proposed dates 10-12 May - TBC)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Building timetable...