The CESNET grid site prague_cesnet_lcg2 supports several virtual organisations. These VOs use computing resources mostly intermittently and there were periods when CPUs were idle. We considered to add support to some LHC VOs, which submit jobs almost continuously. Since the size of resources is relatively small (1200 cores after the last upgrade) and the fraction for LHC VOs would be small when other VOs have running jobs, the overhead of fully supported WLCG site was high. LHC@Home project provides a convenient solution to this problem. ATLAS simulation jobs are run under CZ national BOINC account and the CPU contribution is accounted to the Czech Tier-2 site. We describe several setups tested and discuss experience with the final solution.
Speaker info: https://www.fzu.cz/en/people/rndr-jiri-chudoba-phd
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