The vast amounts of data generated by scientific research pose enormous challenges for capturing, managing and processing this data. Many trials have been made in different projects (such as HNSciCloud and OCRE), but today, commercial cloud services do not yet play a major role in the production computing environments of the publicly funded research sector in Europe. Funded by the Next Generation Internet programme (NGI-Atlantic) from the EC, in partnership with the University California San Diego (UCSD), CERN is piloting the use of CloudBank in Europe. CloudBank has been developed by the UCSD, University of Washington and University of California, Berkeley with NSF grant support, to provide a set of managed services simplifying access to multi-cloud services for research and education, specialised in cost management and optimisation, that supports diversification of sources of funding, in a scalable “bring your own contract” model, across diverse research projects and multiple organisations. The European NGI experiment is provisioning cloud services from multiple vendors and deploying a series of use-cases in the domain of Machine Learning, HPCaaS, QCaaS and DBaaS, contributing to the scientific programme of the Large Hadron Collider. The main objective is to address technical, financial and legal challenges to determine whether CloudBank can be successfully used by Europe’s research community as part of its global research activity.
Speaker bio:
Apostolos' background lies at the intersection between computer science, data science, statistics and management. He has recently completed his master program in Business Analytics in University of Geneva while he also holds a bachelor in Computer Science. He has previously worked in the software industry in Greece and Italy as well as in International Organizations in Geneva on data processing, analysis and web development. He is currently working at CERN’s IT department on data exportation, processing, analysis and visualization to provide metrics and analytics for optimizing processes and costs.
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