Public authorities need innovative tools to develop better evidence-based policies. Citizens and Business should be involved in this process to better inform policy-making and to increase the trust in the authorities and the policies acceptance. Shared data, analytics and cloud improve policy making at all levels, national and local.
The main objective of this session is to bring together the 5 projects (PolicyCloud, AI4PP, Decido, DUET, Intelcomp)funded by the DT-GOV-12 call to share their experiences in the public sector. We also aim to increase the collaboration between the EGI researchers and the public authorities in the decision making with the use of research data and advanced tools for the benefit of society.
●The PolicyCloud project exploits the potential of digitisation, big data and cloud to improve the modelling, creation and implementation of policies. Delivering a unique, integrated environment of datasets, data management, and analytic tools it addresses the full lifecycle of policy management in four thematic-areas (radicalisation, food-value chain, city environment, city services),leveraging the data management capabilities of the EOSC Initiative. The Project empowers the Citizens to contribute to data and policies related to their everyday-life. The onboarding of these solutions in the EOSC Portal offers a great opportunity to reach a wide audience.
●AI4PP (AI for Public Policy) is a joint effort of policy makers and Cloud/AI experts to unveil AI’s potential for automated,transparent and citizen-centric development of public policies. The project will deliver,validate and promote the AI4PublicPolicy Platform,offering innovative policy management on unique AI technologies. The AI4PublicPolicy Virtualized Policy Management Environment(VPME) integrated with EOSC facilitates access to the Cloud and HPC resources required to enable the project’s AI tools and to a wider use of the project’s developments.
●Decido project(eviDEnce and Cloud for more InformeD and effective pOlicies) aims to boost the use of EOSC by Public Authorities enabling innovation in the policy-making sector allowing cross-support and cross-collaboration,using secure compute and data intensive services. Decido involves citizens and local communities through co-creation activities for better targeted policies.
●DUET (Digital Urban European Twins) is a EU initiative which leverages the advanced capabilities of cloud, sensor data and analytics in Digital Twins,to develop more democratic and effective public sector decision-making.DUET Digital Twins provide virtual city replicas which simplifies the understanding of complex interrelation between traffic, air quality, noise and other urban factors. Powerful analytics predict the impacts of potential change to make better evidence-based operational decisions and long-term policy choices.
●Intelcomp develops a Competitive Intelligence Cloud/HPC Platform for AI-based Science, Technology and Innovation Policy-Making. Multi-disciplinary teams will co-develop analytics services, Natural Language Processing pipelines and AI workflows,exploiting EOSC open data and resources, HPC environments and federated operations at the EU, national and regional level. Ensuring a cooperative environment,different actors visualize, interact and analyze information. Through co-creation, IntelComp will adopt a living labs approach, engaging public policy makers, academia, industry, SMEs, local actors and citizens to explore, experiment with and evaluate STI policies. IntelComp is targeting domains aligned with the European Agenda and the Horizon Europe Missions:AI, Climate Change and Health.
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