18–22 Oct 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Envisioning the future of Open Science by focusing on fundamental rights

19 Oct 2021, 12:10
go.egi.eu/egi2021-1 (Zoom Room 1)


Zoom Room 1

Presentation long (25 mins) Envisioning the Future - Presentations


Ms Ludovica Paseri (University of Bologna)


In the current era of the digital revolution, the impact of new technologies and ICTs on scientific research is clearly significant. The radical transformation that the use of technology has determined in science urges a rethinking of the way science is done: the emergence of the Open Science paradigm is a step in this direction. Open Science does not only aim at promoting the openness of science: the goal is to support good science, in a broad sense, based on communication, cooperation, minimising waste of effort, ensuring transparency and taking advantage of the most innovative technologies. An interdisciplinary approach is needed to pursue this aim. The ongoing debate on science requires a collective effort from multiple disciplines and multiple areas of knowledge. Although the development of technology and technical skills is crucial, on the other hand, it is also important to pay attention to the legal aspects involved in the emergence of these new technologies, which – as such – pose novel legal challenges. It should not be forgotten that the openness of science is grounded in the “right to science”, enshrined in Article 27 of the Declaration of Human Rights. This presentation aims to investigate the future of Open Science, starting with the fundamental rights on which it is rooted.

About the speaker:
Ludovica Paseri is a PhD candidate at LAST-JD Joint International Doctoral degree program in “Law, Science and Technology”, at the Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, in cotutelle with the University of Luxembourg, faculty of Computer Science. She graduated in Law at the University of Turin and attended a postgraduate Master in Data Protection Law, at the Department of Law, University of Turin. Ludovica has completed the internship as trainee lawyer in an Administrative Law firm and her main research interests are Cloud Computing, EU Open Science policies, scientific data governance, privacy and data protection law.

Presentation materials