emGORA workspace – a community-based approach to deliver software services for manufacturing engineering
In the past 10 years, the community-based approach is enjoying increasing popularity. The European Single Market offers many opportunities for large companies that are well
equipped with financial and human resources, but where small and individual players unfortunately fall by the wayside. But how can the small and medium-sized ones be supported?
The emGORA workspace is an execution and collaboration platform driven by a community-based approach and is democratising access to advanced ICT solutions to accelerate the digitisation of manufacturing SMEs in an enriched environment. The Digital Agora was achieved in more than 7 years of European funded research and innovation actions –
means, emGORA workspace has been nudged loose by the European Commission’s efforts to build up economic strengths in a sustainable way.
To cover all the nations in Europe, emGORA workspace is joining forces with Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) to offer economic opportunities for all in the manufacturing
technology sector and beyond. emGORA workspace is aiming to play an essential part in the European Commission's sustainability strategy - for our Europe of tomorrow. The divers and open work environment respects and embraces differences, recognises the unique contributions that people with many types of differences can make, and most important
maximises the potential of all those members who actively involve themselves.
The newly created modular delivery-as-a-service platform combines the secure software marketplace powered with Cloud and HPC resources and stands out from others by offering
a place for a human-centric community activities, which is focused on facilitating Pan-European collaborations.
The marketplace of emGORA workspace focuses on the private and secure delivery of advanced software solutions for manufacturing and engineering by various providers and
allows on the go execution, comparison, and testing of software tools, like CAx, Data analytics, simulations, AI and many more. Software services can be proprietary or open-
source software and provided by any provider/company.
The community area is all about networking and collaboration and aims to deliver a lot of the benefits from real manufacturing networks. SMEs, providers, and other members can interact with each other, explore tools and seek for help to tackle a certain challenge or digitise their production. The community is driven by exchange, every emGORA workspace
member can host their own discussion roundtable, launch “Call for Solutions”, as well as to publish content (articles, success stories, use cases, insights, news) and share their
Next to the delivery of software services via the marketplace, experts around advanced ICT solutions (providers and consultants) can propose their solution. They can challenge each other with the solution or can create joint forces to serve with the most suitable solution.
By sustaining emGORA workspace as a result of publicly funded research in Europe, it offers the exchange of knowledge while protecting intellectual property rights of individuals.