The biomed Virtual Organization (VO) is a large scale international and multi-disciplinary VO supporting communities from the Life Sciences sector, with three main thematic groups: medical image analysis, bioinformatics and drug discovery. The VO is operated on the EGI infrastructure and supported by more than 50 sites, delivering access to a large number of heterogeneous resources.
The Virtual Imaging Platform (VIP, https://vip.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/) is a web portal enabling biomed researchers worldwide to access multiple applications, as well as important amounts of storage and computing simply through their web browser. VIP relies on Dirac for both job submission and data management on EGI biomed resources. VIP currently counts more than 1300 registered users, some 20 applications and 61 publications with results computed with VIP since 2011.
Based on our experience, we will present the Virtual Imaging Platform, one of its latest success stories and the way it is interfaced with Dirac and EGI.