Presentation materials
In this demonstration we will present Governify (, a service agreement management framework that boosts the service governance by supporting audits in an automated way. It is composed of a set of integrated components that can be combined to create configurable architectures that adapt to each scenario. The governance platforms built with Governify gather evidences from multiple...
fedcloudclient is a command-line client and high-level Python package for interaction with EGI Federated Cloud. The client will allow users to perform the various OpenStack operations in EGI Federated Cloud. Executing any OpenStack command on any site with fedcloudclient is very simple: it requires only three options: site, VO and the command. For example:
- Listing images in...
Nowadays, more and more services are dynamically deployed in Cloud environments. Usually, the services hosted on virtual machines in Cloud are accessible only via IP addresses or pre-configured hostnames given by the target Cloud providers, making it difficult to provide them with meaningful domain names.
The Dynamic DNS service provides a unified, federation-wide Dynamic DNS support for...
This demonstration will provide users with a step-by-step tutorial for accessing data via the EGI Data Services and analyzing it with MATLAB on the EGI’s Notebooks Service.
Users can connect with their own MATLAB licenses to analyze available datasets on the EGI’s DataHub in the cloud on EGI resources. MATLAB live scripts allow users to build computational notebooks combining text, images,...
Research infrastructures play an increasingly essential role in scientific research. They provide rich data sources for scientists, such as services and software packages, via catalog and virtual research environments. However, such research infrastructures are typically domain-specific and often not connected. Accordingly, researchers and practitioners face fundamental challenges introduced...
The study of many scientific problems concerning environmental challenges sets significant computational demands, such as large data volumes, advanced modeling techniques, and distributed computing facilitates. To conduct such investigations, a researcher often has to reuse virtual assets, e.g., observational data or images, AI models, operational workflows, and infrastructure services from...
OSCAR is an open-source platform to support serverless computing for compute-intensive data-processing applications. OSCAR runs on dynamically provisioned auto-scaled Kubernetes clusters deployed through the Infrastructure Manager (IM), an open-source Infrastructure as Code (IaC) tool. These Kubernetes clusters include support for MinIO, an open-source object storage, which fires events in...