Innovating Services Together - Workshop: HPC integration in EGI-ACE
- Enol Fernandez (
EGI-ACE aims at providing interoperability guidelines for HPC systems with the EOSC Cloud Compute platform. Four scientific pilot use cases with combined cloud and HPC needs will be used for exploring and identifying how HPC systems should be exposed to the EOSC portal and how users should interact with them.
This session will provide a status update with presentations from the scientific pilots, HPC centres and technology providers involved in the activity
EGI-ACE aims at providing interoperability guidelines for HPC systems with the EOSC Cloud Compute platform. Four scientific pilot use cases with combined cloud and HPC needs will be used for exploring and identifying how HPC systems should be exposed to the EOSC portal and how users should interact with them.
This session will provide a status update with presentations from the scientific...
Hakan Bayindir (Male) is working as a senior researcher at TUBITAK ULAKBIM since 2006. He has worked in many European Projects such as EGI, EGI-InSpire, EOSC-hub, and EGI-ACE. He has many hats ranging from system administration to managing projects themselves and has experience in cluster and cloud system design & administration, high performance programming, development of simulation systems,...
udocker is a tool to enable execution of Linux containers in user space. Distinctively from other tools, udocker is meant for easy deployment, and provides multiple execution engines to cope with different host environments. udocker does not require privileges and can execute containers with or without Linux namespaces making it suitable to execute containers across a wide range of Linux...
The talk will provide information about the activities going on at INFN to leverage some HPC compute clusters: Cineca, CNAF and ReCaS-Bari. There will be few details about which approach, solutions and technologies are used currently to include also HPC resources in the Compute Infrastructure used at INFN
This presentation will show progress on benchmarking, containerization, and investigations on data access performed over the past months to enable heterogeneous support for HEP workloads at HPC sites.
The deluge of data started at the beginning of this century has caused a profound transformation in the way scientific discovery is carried out. In several domains, such as climate science, scientific advances now rely on technologies and software solutions from both the HPC and Big Data landscapes. However, being able to efficiently exploit HPC infrastructures for running scientific data...