Delivering Services and Solutions - Workshop: EGI Workload Manager Service
- Andrei Tsaregorodtsev (CNRS)
The EGI Workload Manager service provides an easy access to the EGI computing and storage resources for users from various scientific domains. It helps to increase the efficiency of grid and cloud computations for individual users with moderate requirements as well as for large user communities needing a powerful workflow management system.
The Service is built with the software provided by the DIRAC Interware project. The software is rapidly evolving in order to accommodate new technologies in grid and cloud computing including new types of resources, new security frameworks, etc. Users can access the service with a variety of interfaces, including the Web interface. The DIRAC API’s allow creation of specific application portals taking a full advantage of the workflows management by the EGI Workload Manager.
During the proposed session we will provide an overview of the service main features and capabilities, user interfaces and the overall status of the project evolution. Recent developments in the EGI cloud integration, OAuth/OIDC AAI frameworks and others will be discussed. Examples of the service practical usage by several user communities will be presented. In particular, we envisage reports from the WeNMR and Biomed communities which have a long-lasting experience with the use of the EGI Workload Manager.
The goal of the session is to attract new users by showing advantages offered by the service and to demonstrate how to get started quickly with its usage. We will discuss typical problems of new user communities and will propose appropriate solutions
The DIRAC Interware Project provides a software framework and develops ready to use components to build distributed computing systems of arbitrary complexity. The solution is universal and covers both workload and data management tasks. The Project was originally developed for LHCb – one of the 4 experiments at the LHC collider which stays its principal user. Therefore, a special care is taken...
The EGI Grid Infrastructure Workload Manager Service (EGI-WMS) is based on the DIRAC Interware distributed computing framework. It allows, through pilot jobs, to provide diverse scientific communities with a generic access to heterogeneous computing and storage resources.
This presentation will describe the service platform and the hosting site migration that was performed at the beginning...
The WeNMR Collaboration is a virtual research community which brings together several research teams in structural biology providing a common platform for data analysis and modelling. WeNMR is one of the most active users of the EGI Workload Manager service. User tasks prepared by the WeNMR application portals are submitted to the Workload Manager service which then dispatches them to the...
The biomed Virtual Organization (VO) is a large scale international and multi-disciplinary VO supporting communities from the Life Sciences sector, with three main thematic groups: medical image analysis, bioinformatics and drug discovery. The VO is operated on the EGI infrastructure and supported by more than 50 sites, delivering access to a large number of heterogeneous resources.
In this contribution we will make a demonstration of typical user tasks when working with the EGI Workload Manager service. This is an interactive session when all the necessary explanations will be given and user’s questions will be answered.
The EGI Workload Manager service provides an easy access to the EGI computing and storage resources for users from various scientific domains. It helps to increase the efficiency of grid and cloud computations for individual users with moderate requirements as well as for large user communities needing a powerful workflow management system.
The Service is built with the software provided by...