Oct 18 – 22, 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Delivering Services and Solutions - Workshop

Oct 19, 2021, 4:00 PM



Delivering Services and Solutions - Workshop: The EGI Federated Cloud: benefits for service providers and customers

  • Enol Fernandez (EGI.eu)


This session provides an overview of the computing services of EGI that deliver a distributed federated cloud infrastructure to perform any kind of data analytics for research and innovation.

The EGI service portfolio provides you various computing solutions to match your needs: Virtual Machine based computing for long-running services and for data analytics platforms; container orchestration powered by Kubernetes and Docker; facilities for massively parallel workloads. During this session we will describe the benefits the federation brings to both service providers and customers. The session will also feature research communities, including EGI-ACE thematic services, to report on their success stories in using these services in real-life research workflows.

Presentation materials

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10/19/21, 5:15 PM
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