
The EGI-ACE webODV – Online extraction, analysis and visualisation of SeaDataNet and Argo data


Target audience

  • Oceanographers

  • Climate Researchers

  • Ocean Modellers

  • Ocean Data Managers

Webinar programme (1h)

  • Presentation (~50 min)

  • Questions (~10 min)

Description about the presentation

ODV (Ocean Data View) is a widely used software package for the analysis, exploration and visualization of oceanographic and other environmental data with almost 100,000 registrations since the 1990’s and more than 10,000 active users. ODV has been further developed as part of the EU supported activities of SeaDataNet, the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management. To make working with web-based large community datasets easier, an online version of the ODV software called webODV has been developed, which provides typical ODV functionality in form of web services. webODV has been deployed in the cloud in the framework of the EU EGI-ACE project, which seeks to promote scientific analytical cloud services in support of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative.

In webinar, you will be able to learn about the webODV Explorer and Extractor components in combination with the large validated Temperature & Salinity data collections as provided by SeaDataNet and and EuroArgo – Argo. Moreover, you will be informed how you will be able to register yourself as a user of webODV for trying out and performing analytics, extractions, and visualisations.

The structure of the talk is as follows:

  • Introduction

  • Show where to find the documentation and what we offer

  • Data Extraction example

  • Show Data Explorer

    • General overview

    • Argo salinity surface plot at depth: 1250 m

    • Seperate an Argo buoy by "Station filter"

    • SeaDataNet: Levantine waters section plot

  • Show how to save and share views and how to use the "xview" manager

  • Questions


Sebastian Mieruch, PhD

AWI – Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Bremerhaven, Germany

Dr Sebastian Mieruch is a physicist by training and graduated in the field of nonlinear dynamics, complex systems, stochastic processes and time series analysis. Sebastian received a PhD in 2009 from the Institute of Environmental Physics in Bremen, Germany. He worked as a climate researcher on global satellite data and model data. He started the development of web applications in 2012 and switched the field fully in 2016 to become a full stack web developer. Since 2021 Sebastian has been leading a group of computer scientists, mathematicians and natural scientists to develop interactive web applications (https://mosaic-vre.org/team/) for the online analysis of environmental data. This includes the development of webODV (https://webodv.awi.de/) together with Prof. Reiner Schlitzer, as well as applications from the field of artificial intelligence (https://salacia-ml.awi.de/). He is involved in several EU projects (EMODnet, EGI-ACE) which support the operation, maintenance and further development of webODV.

Organized by

Dr Yin Chen, EGI Foundation
