19–23 Jun 2023
Novotel Poznań Centrum
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Getting started with the EGI Workload Manager Service

23 Jun 2023, 11:00
1h 30m
Novotel Poznań Centrum

Novotel Poznań Centrum

pl. Andersa 1 61-894 Poznań Poland


Andrei Tsaregorodtsev (CNRS) Vanessa Hamar (CNRS)


The DIRAC interware is a complete software solution for communities of users that need to exploit distributed, heterogeneous compute resources for big data processing.
DIRAC forms a layer between the user community and the compute resources to allow optimized, transparent and reliable usage. DIRAC can connect various types of compute (Grids, Clouds, HPCs and Batch systems), storage, data catalogue resources. DIRAC is used by several of the most compute intensive research infrastructures. The EGI installation of DIRAC is used by diverse communities, such as WeNMR (Structural Biology), VIP (Medical imaging), Pierre Auger Observatory (astrophysics).
In this session we will demonstrate the service functionalities with some basic examples running user applications and managing user data. The expected result of this training is that the users are able to start working with the EGI Workload Manager service.

Key Topic Federated compute continuum

Primary authors

Andrei Tsaregorodtsev (CNRS) Vanessa Hamar (CNRS) Dr Gino Marchetti (CNRS / CC-IN2P3)

Presentation materials

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