The RELIANCE Project (Research Lifecycle Management for Earth Science Communities and Copernicus users in EOSC) aims to realize the vision of FAIR research in EOSC and enable the adoption of Open Science practices in EOSC by implementing an holistic research management approach based on three key and complementary technologies: i) Research objects (RO) as the overarching mechanism to manage scientific research activities, which relies upon ROHub platform as the reference service; ii) data cubes as the mechanisms enabling an efficient and scalable Earth Observation data access and discovery, which relies upon the Advanced geospatial Data Management (ADAM) platform as the reference service; iii) text mining and semantic enrichment services allowing to extract machine-readable metadata from RO resources, enabling researchers to discover scientific information at scale and to structure their own research, and which rely on the AI-based platform COGITO as base system. As part of the integration in EOSC, RELIANCE services leverage and integrate with some of the EOSC core-cross cutting and added value services, playing a complementary role to what is already available and bridging between various EOSC services.
RELIANCE validated the project services through multidisciplinary and thematic real life use cases led by three different Earth Science communities: Geohazards, Sea Monitoring and Climate Change communities. In our presentation, we will showcase different types of scenarios for the three Earth Science communities represented in Reliance to highlight how the scientists in our respective disciplines fostered their work towards Open Science.
Key Topic | Other (specify below) |
Other key topic | Earth Science, EOSC Services |