The recently finished EU projects PaNOSC and ExPaNDS produced a scientific analysis portal called VISA (Virtual Infrastructure for Scientific Analysis) that is now being used by many Photon and Neutron facilities in Europe. Originally developed by the Institut Laue-Langevin, VISA has been adopted by many project partners and is currently being developed further as a community project in order to ensure a sustainable subsequent use in the future.
The portal is envisioned to facilitate authorized user access to experiment data directly from a web browser. For this purpose, the portal manages virtual machines on which experiment data is mounted, which can either originate from a recent experiment or from a FAIR data repository. Furthermore, the portal administrators at the respective institue hosting a VISA instance can provide a variety of analysis tools that fit the scientists' use cases and preferences.
During the talk, the portal and its functionalities will be presented as well as the current deployment strategy at DESY.
Key Topic | Data analytics platforms and reproducible open science |