19–23 Jun 2023
Novotel Poznań Centrum
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Demo: Structural biology in the clouds: The WeNMR portal

20 Jun 2023, 19:40
Novotel Poznań Centrum

Novotel Poznań Centrum

pl. Andersa 1 61-894 Poznań Poland
Demonstration/Tutorial (30 mins) Demonstrations


Dr Rodrigo Vargas Honorato (Utrecht University)


Structural biology aims at characterizing the structural and dynamic properties of biological macromolecules at atomic details. Gaining insight into three dimensional structures of biomolecules and their interactions is critical for understanding the vast majority of cellular processes, with direct applications in health and food sciences. Since 2010, the WeNMR project (www.wenmr.eu) has implemented numerous web-based services to facilitate the use of advanced computational tools by researchers in the field, using the high throughput computing infrastructure provided by EGI. These services have been further developed in subsequent initiatives under H2020 projects and are now operating as Thematic Services in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) portal (www.eosc-portal.eu).

In this demo we will showcase the use of the WeNMR HADDOCK portal.

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