19–23 Jun 2023
Novotel Poznań Centrum
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Demo: Using VIP to execute medical imaging applications on EGI infrastructure

20 Jun 2023, 20:20
Novotel Poznań Centrum

Novotel Poznań Centrum

pl. Andersa 1 61-894 Poznań Poland
Demonstration/Tutorial (30 mins) Demonstrations


Axel Bonnet (CNRS)


VIP (https://vip.creatis.insa-lyon.fr/) is an open web portal for medical simulation and image data analysis. By effectively leveraging the computing and storage resources of the EGI federation, VIP offers its users high-level services enabling them to easily execute medical imaging applications on a large scale computing infrastructure.
During this demo, we will show how easy it is to use the VIP portal to launch an execution, monitor it and consult its results. We will also show how to use the large EGI infrastructure to speedup execution times in a transparent and easy way.

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