General Assembly
Project Office (PO) updates:
See slides on agenda
Use case updates
- Would benefit from receiving moo cards for their event at DFKI on 08/11 → Ilaria to follow-up - in touch for shipping address
- Uncertain about how to connect their provisioning model to VA → Project Office to follow-up
- Still have some memory issues, nvidia-smi shows that most of the memory is used (about 13/15GB) even if there are no processes running. Not sure how to solve it without re-deploying the module → Valentin+Alvaro to follow-up
- Sometimes GPU not available, too many users? → Valentin+Alvaro to follow-up
- Several issues with marketplace modules - Was already fixed
- Sometimes GPU not available, too many users? → Valentin+Alvaro to follow-up
- Need to move to operation setu pin year 2. Focus on activities needed for this (instead of exploring multiple paths, technologies, user stories). Will use YOLOv8 model which is now (or soon) is available in the AI marketplace.
- Worked on data so far. Need to move to model training. Expect the YOLOv8 model to work here too.
- Using local HPC system. Need to reduce computational time. Once trained, the model is expected to fit to the iMagine AI platform clouds.
- promote that the first user story is ready for use (understand how to connect to Virtual Access, who is using and whom to promote it to. Delivery through Notebooks?) → Ilaria to follow-up
- Works with data that’s commercial and has military usage potential. We have to update the DMP with this and ensure data does not get to unauthorized users → PO to follow-up
- They are working on meta-data for beach description data. It’s a new field. Use EURO-GOOS as a platform for metadata standardisation? → Dick to follow-up
- Aishwarya’s PhD thesis was submitted for defence relating to the work. → Martin to circulate the thesis to the project. Smitesh and Ilaria to see how to capture this as output in our reports
Competence Centre experiences (Valentin Kozlov, KIT)
- Chance to open the AI4EU meeting on 15/11 to iMagine to reinforce synergies → Valentin to propose more specific steps to Gergely
- Slide 11 should be turned into a page on our website, showing lessons/experiences/practices for external users. The previous slide about the models used should be also merged into the picture. Pointers can be added to external, but relevant resources (e.g. the paper that Gergely sent about data management practices) → Ilaria to follow-up
- is a repository where we should share our best practices later. → Smitesh to capture for exploitation plan
Next steps - F2F workshop:
- Planned for March 2024
- iMagine part to focus on
- Moving from modelling to service delivery (WP3→WP5)
- Publishing of data
- Joint part with partner projects
- AI4EOSC: demo/training on new features
- AI4Life: sharing AI-powered image analysis experiences
- Ladislav (IISAS) also mentioned the possibility of having a journal special issue, possible in collaboration with AI4EOSC
- Venue: We are collecting/exploring options. Email the PO if you can host the meeting. (Cost to be covered by iMagine)
- Offers to be further investigated: Martin, Alvaro, Valentin (the latter suggesting strong collaboration with AI4EOSC being many colleagues at KIT)
Upcoming EC review:
- Suggestions were made on how to shorten the presentations
- Agreement to include 2 use cases. Candidates (in priority order):
- UC3.1 Enoc Martínez - Marine ecosystem monitoring at EMSO-OBSEA
- UC5 Klaas Deneudt - Flowcam plankton identification
- UC2 Jean-Olivier Irisson - ZooProcess
Financial report:
- Some data is still missing, but we checked the existing data. It was agreed to include the EUR spending next to PM reports. When the PM claim is out of range but the EUR is not, then we can assume the real PM rates are different than anticipated. When the EUR spending is out of range that’s a real problem which needs explanation, especially about possible consequences for the 2nd and 3rd year.
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